Plant and Seed Shop

Sedum, Stonecrop
Garden Plants

  • Hardy perennial

  • Flowers August to September

Sedums or the stonecrops are a group of usually succulent plants with often fleshy leaves adapted to hot dry conditions, though able to thrive in much moister and wetter climates too. They often have unusually shaped leaves that form a pleasing contrast with other materials around, wood, stone or the long feathery leaves of grasses or similar plants.

The flowers are often produced in late summer to autumn and will sometimes as in the case of Sedum spectabile be in bud right from spring. Many of the flowers are particularly attractive to insects such as butterflies and bees which derive valuable late season sources of nectar from them.

They are usually trouble free, any problems tend to come from excessive damp causing some form of rot. The leaves being succulent and smooth are resistant to the ingress of fungus and the usual leaf fungal problems. But the stems and crowns are susceptible to fungal damage that may severe healthy parts from the rest of the plant. If this happens then cut off any diseased part of the plant and use what is left as a cutting in sandy compost to replace the lost plant. Though replant somewhere else.


Sedum 'Herbstfreude'

£ 9.99

Sedum 'La Vie en Rose'

£ 11.99

Sedum 'Matrona'

£ 19.99

Sedum 'Strawberries And Cream'

£ 19.99

Sedum 'Sunsparkler Dream Dazzler'

£ 19.99

Sedum 'Thundercloud'

£ 26.99
Sedum acre

Sedum acre

£ 19.99
Sedum and Aster plant combination

Sedum and Aster plant combination

£ 56.94
Sedum collection

Sedum collection

£ 32.99
Sedum ewersii var. homophyllum

Sedum ewersii var. homophyllum 'Rosenteppich'

£ 29.99
Sedum kamtschaticum var. floriferum

Sedum kamtschaticum var. floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold'

£ 19.99
Sedum kamtschaticum var. kamtschaticum

Sedum kamtschaticum var. kamtschaticum 'Variegatum'

£ 8.99
Sedum morganianum

Sedum morganianum

£ 12.99
Sedum morganianum

Sedum morganianum 'Burrito'

£ 18.99
Sedum sieboldii

Sedum sieboldii 'Dragon'

£ 79.99
Sedum sieboldii

Sedum sieboldii 'Mediovariegatum'

£ 12.99
Sedum spathulifolium

Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'

£ 19.99
Sedum spathulifolium

Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum'

£ 19.99
Sedum spathulifolium Cape Blanco

Sedum spathulifolium Cape Blanco

£ 7.99
Sedum spectabile

Sedum spectabile 'Brilliant'

£ 19.99
Sedum spurium

Sedum spurium 'Coccineum'

£ 19.99
Sedum spurium

Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood'

£ 17.99
Sedum takesimense

Sedum takesimense 'Atlantis'

£ 11.99
Sedum takesimense Atlantis (

Sedum takesimense Atlantis ('Nonsitnal') (PBR)

£ 8.99
Sedum takesimense Atlantis Stonecrop

Sedum takesimense Atlantis Stonecrop

£ 14.97
Sedum telephium

Sedum telephium 'Chocolate'

£ 19.99
Sedum telephium

Sedum telephium 'Purple Emperor'

£ 9.99

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