Wonderfully vibrant and floriferous summer plants in a range of colors from white, through pinks to red and purple
Garden Plants
Half Hardy (frost susceptible) annual or hardy perennial
Flowers: June - September
Full sun or semi-shade
Sow seed indoors: Feb - March
Order plants: Jan - May
Plant out after May when all chance of frost has passed
Verbenas are often seen flowers in the summer months as they are used in seasonal planting and treated as half-hardy annuals. Many are perennials and they are hardier than you might think, mulch well however if there is a risk of frosts, some varieties are tougher than others.
The flowers are borne in long-lasting clusters with new flowers opening from the edge of the cluster inwards giving the impression of being even longer lasting. Even if you can't plant them permanently out in the garden, they can be readily overwintered under glass for protection and used for cuttings in late summer to provide more plants for the next year.
Many Verbenas have a habit that lends them to container planting which is usually where they are at their best. Some are upright while other have a more lax habit making them ideal candidates for hanging baskets. They appreciate the privileged conditions in a container and if fed regularly and deadheaded often, will respond by producing masses of flower clusters made up of dozens of individual blooms all season long from late spring to autumn or until you bring them in for the winter. Keep them fairly dry in the winter watering only sparingly. Watch for powdery mildew as most Verbenas are susceptible to this although there are now a range of resistant types available.

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