Enthusiastic flowering perennials for dry and sunny positions
Garden Plants
Half Hardy (frost susceptible) annual
Flowers: June - October
Full sun or semi-shade
Order plants: Jan - May
Plant out after May when all chance of frost has passed
Diascias come from South Africa, from mainly mountainous regions. They are very valuable in the perennial garden for their long flowering season. In cooler climates, Diascias can be overwintered successfully under some protection, a cool greenhouse is ideal, as long as they don't get frost on them.
They are exceptionally floriferous in quantity and also in length of season. Grow in full sun and dead head regularly, water in exceptionally dry spells. Easy to propagate from cuttings in the spring or early summer.
Diascias belong to the Scrofulariaceae, which has always been one of my favorite sounding plant families.

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